July 2023

Research Bulletin

Updates on observation, research progress, and next steps.

June 2023

Nova Scotia Knowledge User Report

“A Snapshot of Violence in Home and Residential Long-Term Care in Nova Scotia”

There is growing recognition that violent situations sometimes happen in long-term care (LTC) settings (Curry, 2015). The normalization of violence and abuse within care institutions like long-term care homes further hinders efforts to address this issue effectively. Violence includes physical, psychological, sexual, and emotional violence, and it can harm people in different ways. To ensure the well-being of staff, older adults, and their families, it is essential to know what forms of violence they face, how often, and what factors might contribute to violence and violence prevention. This report outlines the results of a survey with LTC staff about the violence they experienced.

December 2022

Project Updates

Updates on team members, publications, and future directions of the project.

November 2022

Manitoba Knowledge User Report

“A Snapshot of Violence in Home and Residential Long-Term Care in Manitoba”

Violence can have far-reaching impacts on the well-being of staff in long-term care and the older adults for which they provide care. The general public expects long-term care to be safe for everyone. Yet, violence is common in the long-term care sector. It occurs in different forms (e.g., verbal, physical, and sexual) and in different directions (e.g., from residents/clients toward staff and from staff toward residents/clients). Some violence is referred to as responsive behaviours, recognizing that the actions, words or gestures of person living with dementia have meaning and may reflect something wrong in their social and physical environment or an unmet need (Alzheimer Society, 2019). In this report, we focus on violence toward staff within long-term residential care (referred to as personal care homes in Manitoba) and home care settings. We review the findings of a provincial survey, which is part of a larger project called Safe Places for Aging and Care. We outline the types of training staff receive to prevent violence, types and prevalence of violence, and staff recommendations for preventing violence.

June 2022

Research Bulletin

Updates on research progress and plans for future steps.

May 2022

Research Bulletin

Updates on data collection in Nova Scotia, plans for onsite observation in Manitoba, recent in-person trainee team meeting, and new team members.

“Mapping the Policy Context of Violence in Long-Term Care in Manitoba and Nova Scotia”

November 2021

Knowledge User Report